Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Make, and Eat, Chocolate Pizza

If you hadn't thought of chocolate pizza before, consider it now

Chocolate pizza. It sounds amazing, doesn't it? I mean, most people love pizza and we all love chocolate, so combining the two seems like a perfect food. Be forewarned though: just as there are many varieties of chocolate, there are many varieties of chocolate pizza. Here's one of my favorites chocolate pizza recipes.

Is it dessert or dinner?

As with any pizza, you need to start with the crust. Some recipes use regular pizza dough, while others call for pressed chocolate as the crust. Both sound fantastic, depending on the strength of your sweet tooth.

A chocolate crust adds another level of sweetness and renders the pizza more of a dessert. A dough crust gives the chocolate a neutral base from which to springboard, allowing the chocolate "sauce" and toppings to really stand out.

In this article I'm going to share a recipe using pizza dough. One of my favorite chocolate pizza recipes comes from Giada De Laurentiis, who uses four different chocolates in this recipe. Sounds good already, doesn't it?


-- 1 pound pizza dough
-- 2 teaspoons butter, melted
-- 1/4 cup chocolate-hazelnut spread (like Nutella)
-- 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
-- 2 tablespoons milk chocolate chips
-- 2 tablespoons white chocolate chips
-- 2 tablespoons chopped hazelnuts, toasted

Position the oven rack on the bottom of the oven and preheat to 450 degrees F. Line a heavy large baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll out the dough to a 9-inch-diameter round. Transfer the dough to the prepared baking sheet. Using your fingers, make indentations all over the dough.

Brush the dough with butter, then bake until the crust is crisp and pale golden brown, about 20 minutes. Immediately spread the chocolate-hazelnut spread over the pizza then sprinkle all the chocolate chips over.

Bake just until the chocolate begins to melt, about 1 minute. Sprinkle the hazelnuts over the pizza. Cut into wedges and serve.
Feel free to leave the hazelnuts off if they're not your thing. Just like it's cheese-and-tomato cousin, you'll find that everybody has their favorite toppings for chocolate pizza.

source : click here

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Confused by Life Insurance? Here's Help

You know why you need life insurance -- to keep a roof over your family's head, to pay off debts and the future education of your children -- but when it comes to making a decision, it isn't always easy.

Life insurance is confusing. Here's some help to sort out the different policies so you can buy the best possible policy to protect your family.

What are the Major Types of Insurance?
Life insurance falls into two major categories, protection and investment. Term insurance is for protection. In the event of death, the beneficiary gets a lump sum of money. This is what most people think of when considering life insurance.

Investment life insurance plans are those called 'whole life', universal life', and 'variable life'. The main purpose of these plans ore to increase the money you make in payments.

Let's look at these separately but before we do, here are some words you need to know:

Beneficiary - the person who receives the money when you die.
Premium - the amount you pay for the insurance. You can pay this fee monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Term Insurance
Term insurance is temporary giving you protection for a certain amount of time - 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 years. It gives your beneficiary a lump sum of money when you die. This type of insurance is recommended if you're under 40-years-old and don't have a history of premature death in your family.

Pros: The premium is usually cheaper than other types of insurance. If you die, your family has money to make house payments, pay off debts, and pay for children's education or whatever the needs may be.

Cons: When the time period for the policy is up, you don't get anything in return for all your payments. Premiums for Term insurance increase as you age.

Whole Life Coverage
This type of insurance is permanent. You have protection, usually to 100 years of age unless you don't pay the premiums. With whole life insurance, you build cash value. Part of the premiums you pay build up the savings.

Pros: Your payments stay the same. If you sign up for whole life insurance at a young age, you might build up enough money to stop making payments.

Cons: The company invests your payments for you. You can't choose how to grow the money. Whole life plans aren't flexible but stay the same for your entire lifetime. If your insurance needs change, you may have to consider additional insurance.

Universal Life Coverage
Universal life insurance is the more flexible form of Whole life. With Universal, part of your premiums are invested by the insurance company with a usual rate of 4% guaranteed return.

Pros: Let's you change your policy as your needs change and lets you choose between more or less expensive premiums.

Cons: If your premiums are too small for too long, you lose coverage.

Variable Life Coverage
This insurance allows you to invest part of your premium into a separate account for investments. This means that the amount of life insurance and the cash value can change. Your beneficiary receives a guaranteed minimum amount of money at death but there isn't a guarantee on the cash amount.

Pros: You can invest money without paying taxes until you give up the policy. You can apply the money you earn in interest toward paying the premium.

Cons: You are responsible for the investment of your money. If your investments lose money, you have less money to pay the premiums and it may be too expensive for you to keep.

Choosing the Best Policy
Only you know which policy is best for you and your family. There are many things you need to think about before choosing such as your age, health, debt, income, plans for your children.

Now that you have a beginning knowledge of life insurance, you can weigh all these factors against the pros and cons of each type of insurance and make the choice best for your family.

source : click here

Tips for Buying the Right Jogging Shoes

Buying the wrong jogging shoes can be costly -- to your wallet and to the health of your feet. The right pair of running shoes will maximize your running and prevent injuries. Don't make the mistakes most people do. Instead, follow these tips for the perfect shoes for your feet and wallet.

Buy Shoes Made for Running
This seems like a no-brainer. Surprisingly, most people think the shoe doesn't really make that much difference. Runners need shoes made specifically for running. A tennis shoe, a track shoe, or work-out shoe won't do.

When you run, you are putting an extreme amount of pressure and impact on your feet. Only shoes designed for running can handle it. Wearing shoes not made for running can cause permanent damage to your feet and joints.

Ask Questions
Try to find a salesperson who is a jogger. A person who jogs regularly can give you extra tips and advice about the right jogging shoe for you.

Ask the salesperson plenty of questions. If he or she can't answer your questions, go to another store. This is the only way you can be sure you are buying the right shoe.

Ask about durability. Each shoe strikes the pavement around 900 times during every 15 minutes you run. Durability is important. You can look this information up online before you go to the shoe store. Also, ask about traction and how it performs on wet surfaces and other weather conditions.

Know Your Feet
There are three types of feet -- flat, normal, and high-arched. If you don't know what type of foot you have, do the 'wet test'. Wet your feet, step on a dry surface and look at the shape you made.

If you see a 'c' shape, your feet are normal. If you see the imprint of your entire foot, you have flat feet. A 'c' shape connected with only a tiny sliver means you have high arches.

Runners with flat feet need shoes with greater control. Those with high arches need extra support.

Possibly the most important tip you need to follow when buying a new pair of jogging shoes is to take your time. Don't fall for clever advertising and buy the latest shoe on the market. Take time to research shoes online, ask other runners, and shop wisely. By doing these things and following these tips, you can save money and your feet.

source : click here

Monday, September 27, 2010

Horee... Indonesia Juara

Jakarta, - Berita menggembirakan bagi dunia perfilman di Tanah Air, pasalnya beberapa waktu lalu, salah seorang sutradara Indonesia baru saja memenangkan kompetisi Democracy Video Challenge yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat.

Adhyatmika berhasil menyisihkan 700 peserta dari berbagai negara dalam kompetisi tersebut.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Aku Tidak Malu Jadi Orang Indonesia

BY H Rosihan Anwar

Aku tidak malu jadi orang Indonesia ...
Biar orang bilang apa saja, biar, biar ...
Indonesia negara paling korup di dunia
Indonesia negara gagal
Indonesia negara lemah
Indonesia melanggar HAM
Elite Indonesia serakah harta dan kekuasaan
Presiden-presiden Indonesia dilecehkan humoris
Dengarlah, Bung Karno dimanfaatkan komunis
Pak Harto dimanfaatkan putra-putrinya
Habibie dimanfaatkan konco-konconya
Gus Dur dimanfaatkan tukang pijitnya
Megawati dimanfaatkan suaminya
Catatlah, Bung Karno menciptakan keamanan dan
persatuan bangsa
Pak Harto menciptakan kemakmuran bangsa dan
Habibie menciptakan demonstrasi
Gus Dur menciptakan partai kebangkitan bangsa
Megawati menciptakan kenaikan-kenaikan harga

Alah mak, Bung Karno turun dari presiden karena Supersemar
Pak Harto turun dari presiden karena superdemo
Habibie turun dari presiden karena supertransisi
Gus Dur turun dari presiden karena superskandal
Megawati turun-temurun jadi presiden
Maka Anda tahu sekarang kenapa
Aku tidak malu jadi orang Indonesia

Indonesia punya istilah-istilah khas di dunia korupsi
Ada ahli gizi yang Nurcholis Madjid tidak mampu penuhi
Ada istilah angpao untuk uang atensi
Ada amplop untuk bikin kocek tebal berisi
Ada saweran duit untuk membayar pengacara hitam dan
menyuap aparat hukum
Ada prosedur untuk menilep uang rakyat dan institusi
dilakukan beramai-ramai oleh gubernur, bupati,
walikota, anggota DPRD dan DPR
Ada tren yang kuat menguasai kaum koruptor

Simaklah sejarah bangsa dan Tanah Air
Semenjak dulu zaman kompeni
Pegawai VOC kirim laporan Kepada Heren Zeventien di
Tanah Wolanda
Elke Regent Heeft zijn Chinees
Tiap Bupati punya orang Cinanya
Maknanya jelas pejabat feodal dihidupi pedagang Cina
Syahdan, Susuhunan Amangkurat II dari Mataram
Mengutus misi sembilan duta ke Batavia
Minta kepada Bapak Kompeni
Agar dikirimi cinderamata
Mulai dari ayam Belanda, kuda Persia hingga gadis
Jangan lupa putri Cina untuk jadi selir Raja
Kraton Kartasura menebar bau korupsi, seks dan duit
Ditambah intrik-intrik kalangan pangeran
Bagaimana kerajaan tidak akan binasa?
Itulah warisan sejarah dari generasi ke generasi
Sehingga yang tampak kini di bumi persada Pertiwi
Adalah kiriman genetik kepada kita semua
Anda dan aku tidak terlepas dari hukumnya

Maka Anda tahu sekarang kenapa

Aku tidak malu jadi orang Indonesia
Sebab memang begitulah nasibku
Kismet, kata orang bijak-bestari
Korupsi adalah sejenis vampir
Makhluk halus bangkit kembali dari kubur
Kemudian keluar pada malam hari
Dan mengisap darah manusia yang sedang tidur
Di layar film Hollywood wujudnya adalah Count Dracula
yang bertaring
Diperankan aktor Bela Lugosi
Vampir yang hilang kesaktiannya bila terkena sinar
Akan tetapi drakula-drakula Indonesia tetap perkasa
Beroperasi 24 jam, ya malam ya siang mencari korban
Sehingga sia-sialah aksi melawan korupsi membasmi
Yang telah merasuki rongga dan jiwa aparat negara
Yang membuat media memberitakan
Akibat bisnis keluarga pejabat, Tutut-Tutut baru

Aku orang terpasung dalam terungku kaum penjarah harta

Akan aneh bila berkata aku malu jadi orang Indonesia

Sorry ya, Aku tidak malu jadi orang Indonesia
Kuhibur diri dengan sajakku magnus opus karya sang
Sajak pendek yang berbunyi:
Katakan beta
Manatah batas
Antar gila Dengan waras
Sorry ya, inilah puisiku melawan korupsi
Siapa takut?

Penulis adalah seorang wartawan senior
(Dibacakan pada acara Deklamasi Puisi di Gedung Da'wah
Muhammadiyah di Jakarta, 31 Desember 2004. Juga
dibacakan dalam acara pertemuan keluarga wartawan
senior di rumah penulis pada tanggal 9 Januari 2005,
di Jakarta)

Anak Usia 13 th Koreksi Perhitungan NASA

anak usia 13 tahun dari Jerman ini luar biasa, bisa mengkoreksi hasil perhitungan NASA tentang probabiliti tabrakan sebuah komet atau asteroid dengan Bumi kita pada tahun 2029 nanti. Si bocah ini menghitung, kemungkinan tabrakannya 1: 450 , sementara NASA menghitung kemungkinannya 1: 45.000, dan European Space Agency (ESA) mengatakan pernyataan anak kecil ini yang benar

Siswa Usia 13 Tahun Bicara Soal Ancaman Asteroid Tabrak Bumi

Melly Febrida

Berlin - Seorang siswa Jerman berusia 13 tahun punya pendapat sendiri mengenai asteroid yang menabrak bumi. Pernyataan Nico Marquardt ini mengkoreksi perkiraan NASA.

Nico Marquardt menggunakan temuan teleskopis dari Institute of Astrophysics in Potsdam (AIP) yang memperhitungkan 1 dari 450 kesempatan asteroid Apophis akan menabrak bumi. Hal ini seperti dikutip dari AFP, Kamis (16/4/2008).

NASA awalnya menaksir hanya 1 dari 45.000 kesempatan asteroid yang akan bertubrukan dengan bumi. Tetapi European Space Agency (ESA) mengatakan pernyataan anak kecil ini benar.

Dalam perkiraannya, siswa ini mempertimbangan risiko berputarnya Apophis pada satu atau lebih dari 40.000 satelit orbit bumi hingga berakhir pada 13 April 2029.

Satelit-satelit itu berjalan di 3,07 kilometer per detiknya hingga 35.880 kilometer di atas bumi, dan asteroid Apophis melintasi orbit bumi dengan jarak 32.500 kilometer.

Jika asteroid menabrak satelit pada 2029, ini akan mengubah jalannya yang membuat asteroid menghantam bumi di atas orbit berikutnya pada 2036.

NASA dan Marquardt setuju jika asteroid menabrak bumi, akan menciptakan bola besi dan iridium dengan lebar 320 meter dan berat 200 miliar ton yang akan menabrak Samudera Atlantik. Guncangannya dapat menimbulkan gelombang tsunami yang besar dan menghancurkan. Selain itu muncul awan kelabu yang tebal dan membuat langit menjadi gelap.